Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The trip begins...

The trip begins...

My trip began this evening.  Rather than wait until tomorrow to start out, I was able to leave the house around 4:30 pm -- and head over to Port Huron -- so I could get an early start tomorrow morning.  

My trip here went so smoothly, that I opted to try and get a couple nighttime shots of the lighthouses close by.  

I started with the "Lightship Huron".  This one is in downtown Port Huron.  I followed GPS coordinates to get to it, but when I got there -- I thought it was gone.  I quickly discovered my error, though.  This "ship" is not actually in the water.  It's close to the water -- but is on land now -- turned into a permanent museum.  (Kudos to Baltimore for keeping their Lightship Chesapeake in the water! :-)  Here's a quick view of the Lightship Huron:

Next up, I opted to drive down to Marine City, to see the Peche Island Lighthouse.  This one I've seen before with my friend Sheldon -- but it was a long time ago and I didn't take any photos, so thought it would be worth a quick visit.  It's very quiet in Marine City tonight.  Here's a picture of the lighthouse, and a picture down the city street.

Tomorrow my plan is to start with the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse (this one is also in Port Huron, but based on the pictures I've seen, would be easier to access and photograph in the daylight) -- and then head north.

As promised, I thought about some things I'm grateful for on my way over.  Here's my list for today:

1.  My kids.  They are good kids.  Aside from only some periodic frustrations, they're really good kids.
2.  My buddy Florey -- for manY reasons, but most recently for hooking me up with a super good deal on my rental car.
3.  Good movies, and the good music that often comes with them.
4.  By the grace of God, that the door that fell on Mark didn't cause any major problems!
5.  Teachers-- especially the ones that like what they're doing.  The teachers in the Dexter school system have been awesome!
6.  My good health.  Without it, I couldn't take fun trips like this.
7.  My wonderful sisters.  They're smart, loving, and just wonderful people.
8.  My wonderful mother, who's type A personality is just like mine!  Makes me realize that "worriers love company".  I should trademark that.
9.  My wife -- who gives me leave, and guards the fort while I'm gone!
10.  My friends.  You know who you are.  You've always been there.  What would I do without you? 

A few more photos I took this evening are available on under the 2013 folder, if interested.


Anonymous said...

Howdy- sounds like a great start- some good first pictures! Thanks for the post and keep having fun! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Great start! some priceless photos and reflections already and your trip is just beginning. -- Kevin p.s. I'm trusting your "man reasons" are "many" in number.