Saturday, January 05, 2013

Ok, you know the drill...


  1. Everything I was grateful for 3 days ago.
  2. Everything I was grateful for 2 days ago.
  3. Everything I was grateful for 1 day ago.
  4. The freedom and prosperity associated with living in the US of A (enabling me to take a trip like this).
  5. A good dentist that considers my opinions rather than dismissing them.
  6. Friends that share my interests -- and help me with them!
  7. Family mysteries.  (Someday your story will be told, Woozie)
  8. A really tasty breakfast.
  9. My Atari 400, and my parents that bought it for me.
  10. Vacations -- and all the perks that come with them.
  11. A reliable and wonderful baby sitter.  (Thank you VL!)
  12. A great upbringing.
  13. Learning to type in high school.
  14. Encouragement, support, and love from all of my wonderful friends and family!

Fond Memories

A couple more fond memories popped into my head today:

  • Running alongside with Mark and Matthew -- the first time they were able to ride a bike without training wheels! 
  • Walking the Detroit half Marathon with my wife and sister, and watching my sister zoom ahead at the very end!

    And many, many more. If I had a decent memory, I'd have more to list here. Don't take offense if I missed anyone (ER). If you're reading this right now -- I GUARANTEE there are plenty I could list here that include you!!


Ok, seeing how this is my last day, let's do a quick check on my performance to objectives...

1.  Relax and have fun.  CHECK!
2.  Be introspective.  CHECK!
3.  Write down 10+ gratefuls every day.  CHECK!
4.  Post miscellaneous thoughts every day.  CHECK!
5.  Consider my life plan.  HMMMM...

Ok, so I didn't make as much progress on my life plan as I would have liked, but I will say this.  I've been giving some thought to something I read in a book by Gordon Livingston, MD called "Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart".  One of the chapters is called "Life's two most important questions are "Why?" and "Why Not?"  The trick is knowing which one to ask".  Risk embarrassment (write a corny trip blog, for example) to open the possibility of more benefit.  Take more risks to get more out of life:
Something is lost in our obsessive concern with safety and security -- some spirit of adventure.  Life is a gamble in which we don't get to deal the cards, but are nevertheless obligated to play them to the best of our ability.
I think part of my life plan needs to include breaking out of my shell -- and taking some more risk (most notably in my professional life).  We'll see.  I don't want to rush into anything.  (that was a joke)

Trip Fun Facts

  • Michigan has more lighthouses than any other state in the U.S.
  • My favorite lighthouse on the trip was the old Presque Isle light house.
  • I'm most anxious to see the Sharps Island Lighthouse some day.  RC -- I need to borrow you're boat.
  • I crossed the 45th parallel six times this trip.
  • The biggest car problem I had was that the cigarette lighters didn't work -- messing up my ability to use a GPS consistently.  Grrrrr!
  • I already mentioned the funniest moment -- accidentally ringing that huge bell!
  • My biggest regret was not making the trek to Saginaw Rear River Range lighthouse (but at least I didn't take a swim in 32 degree water-- so probably for the best.  :-)

Well, regrettably this is going to be my last lighthouse trip blog entry.  Thanks so much to everyone that has read along, and encouraged me on my trip around the state!  Your comments have all been great!  Thanks so much.  I hope you had as much reading this as I did writing it.

PS-- Tami, Matthew, Mark and Doug -- keep the lights on, I'll see you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic trip!

Anonymous said...

Well it's been a wonderful trip for all of us that "went along" and sounds like a wonderful trip for you too! Many good thoughts as well as beautiful lighthouses. Now I'll be expecting a blog of your day to day activities :-) Travel home safely- I'm sure they'll be delighted with your return!